About Me

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Cawdor, Scotland
Hello everyone and I am known as Lady Macbeth and I am the loving, dear wife of King Macbeth. Currently I am the Queen of Scotland and I do love my people very much. I have many interests such as hosting banquets and being a loving Queen to the dear people of Scotland.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Am I Evil Itself...?

Unlike any other woman my thoughts haunts my inner spirit. As a woman I should feel the need to be kind, loving, and honest. But it is hard to do so when there a chance to be superior to others and the only way to accomplish that is to think like a gladiator. A few hours ago I heard news from my darling husband that the king of Scotland will be visiting my castle. Ever since Macbeth earned the title Thane of Cawdor I know that soon he was to be the king of Scotland that is only if the king’s sons are out of this picture. At this moment in time I am trying to convince Macbeth to murder the king so that he will become the new king of Cawdor. The only problem is that it is very hard to do so because my husband claims to be too loyal to king Duncan and it is not so easy to do something that horrifying. I will now have to figure a clever way to convince him to do so, and the only way I could think of is to threaten his man hood.

Written by: Ray Shivbasant

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finally Fulfilled...

"Why, worthy thane, you do unbend your noble strength, to think so BRAINSICKLY of things" Act II, Sc. 2, Line 44-46

January 15th, 2009

It was finally fulfilled. The deed of slaying Duncan at last hath been fulfilled by my foolish husband Macbeth who brought along with him the bloody daggers. Why would thee bring along the nuisance of the daggers? Hath he lost his mind? While I praise the feat he accomplished in slaying Duncan who is the mischievous sprite that slaughters my dreams of being Queen of Scotland! My husband Macbeth at times is thoughtless soul who is a coward. Even as he took care of Duncan, his foolishness had come in with him carrying the daggers. His hands were stained with blood and he was crying out things like “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more.” I told him at times you let yourself become weak when you think about things in a cowardly way. He was even afraid to take the daggers back and place them with the chamberlains. Where would Macbeth be without me, if Duncan hadn't reminded me of my father when I saw him sleeping, I would have killed him myself. Nonetheless I give my husband applaud of doing something I couldn’t do which is killing the devil Duncan, now we can both finally celebrate as King and Queen of Scotland! At last!

Written by: Abbas Ibrahim

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Catastrophic Banquet Hosted By Yours Truly

Today my dear husband and I hosted a banquet for all the noble people of Scotland. I thought that this could be our chance to impress them but due to the foolish acts of my husband’s fear and unmanly character it had made others suspicious of his behavior.

           Our banquet had begun and I was greeting our guests. Macbeth’s behavior was quite normal because he was welcoming our guests quite well; he told them to sit down and gave them a hearty welcome but then after his fear came into play. He was called to the door and I found that quite rude to avoid our guests and leave them unattended. So then Ross had called Macbeth to sit at the table but my husband’s mind was fooling him because he thought that someone was sitting there. The ghost of Banqou who was at the table had startled him and Macbeth began talking like a mad man. I saw our guest’s faces and they seemed surprised and appalled at what was going on. They were about to leave but I prevented them from leaving and said that his fit was just for now and he would feel better later on. I thought to myself is he not a man; can he not control his emotions? I told him to not make a scene in front of others. Although, it did not work, he continued to rage and our guests left.

             The night turned out to be a disaster and our guests may have gotten suspicious over our behavior. To put the day behind, my husband and I went to sleep since we do lack it nowadays. Our disturbed minds do not have the ability to sleep no more.


"Why do you make such faces? When all's done, You look but on a 
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Our Banquet: Caught on Tape



Reign of Guilt Overpowered the Human Conscience

There was no way I could stop it. I was my fate. The kind doctor told me that I was very ill and one prime symptom was sleepwalking.
I never could figure it out myself, but I do recall my hands being wet, with that of blood and water. "Out dammed spot!" I screamed, as I tried to rid my hand of the bloody stains that dyed itself to my palms. He recalls it being very abnormal, including the things I had said. "I spoke what I should not have." Macbeth's fall is near and it is my fault pursuing him to do all it took to become king of Scotland. In one night I let out all my dark hidden secrets to those who stood, spectating me as I slept walked and spoke. Murder upon Lady Macduff and Banquo, I had mentioned. I should not have. To think now that it was just an event of dark guilt purging from me, I think not. It was the beginning of the end. I called upon the dark spirits to give me strength to do evil. Now evil is doing its deed upon me, and it is fate. My Sickness was no sickness at all; the doctor said “[my] Disease is beyond [his] Practice”, in fact I'm almost certain that the doctor knew what was going on after a bit of pondering. They did not realize, but that bitter smell of blood was eating my stomach from the inside out. The wreaking smell of death fell upon me and knocked me off my feet. It was true that “All the perfumes in Arabia could not overpower that strong smell of death.
Here, admitting defeat was a must, I was vulnerable to the backfire of help from the dark spirits. This marked the beginning of the end for me. I was dead already, no more could I live, because of my greed and lust for status and power.

Written By: Vishon Harry

My Final State.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


"And we'll not fail: when Duncan is asleep," (Act 1.Sn 7 Line 62)

Hatred is growing inside of me, hatred for the man whom is holding me back from becoming Queen. The Queen of Scotland! How can I ever become Queen, only through my husband, my beloved husband whom is a fool? But it is only through him that can I ever fulfill my dreams. All will be mine if it weren’t for Duncan! Oh Duncan how I hate thee and hate thy soul. You’re the devil that murders my dreams of ever becoming what I’ve always wanted to! The phantom that threatens my hope! You deserve not to be King, for it was my husband who hath worked as hard as a soldier, he hath slain men on the battlefield and so he shall slay open his path to become the righteous king. He shall slay you, and in this fury he shall become King, and I Queen. I care far more for the well being of myself more than for my husband, if my husband ever becomes King I can become Queen of Scotland, the owner of all! I hope to my husband will muster the courage to commit this act of glory. I hope with all mine heart. This must happen…it must…then only will I attain my long awaited dream.

Written By: Dusi Rasiah