About Me

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Cawdor, Scotland
Hello everyone and I am known as Lady Macbeth and I am the loving, dear wife of King Macbeth. Currently I am the Queen of Scotland and I do love my people very much. I have many interests such as hosting banquets and being a loving Queen to the dear people of Scotland.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Finally Fulfilled...

"Why, worthy thane, you do unbend your noble strength, to think so BRAINSICKLY of things" Act II, Sc. 2, Line 44-46

January 15th, 2009

It was finally fulfilled. The deed of slaying Duncan at last hath been fulfilled by my foolish husband Macbeth who brought along with him the bloody daggers. Why would thee bring along the nuisance of the daggers? Hath he lost his mind? While I praise the feat he accomplished in slaying Duncan who is the mischievous sprite that slaughters my dreams of being Queen of Scotland! My husband Macbeth at times is thoughtless soul who is a coward. Even as he took care of Duncan, his foolishness had come in with him carrying the daggers. His hands were stained with blood and he was crying out things like “Glamis hath murdered sleep, and therefore Cawdor shall sleep no more. Macbeth shall sleep no more.” I told him at times you let yourself become weak when you think about things in a cowardly way. He was even afraid to take the daggers back and place them with the chamberlains. Where would Macbeth be without me, if Duncan hadn't reminded me of my father when I saw him sleeping, I would have killed him myself. Nonetheless I give my husband applaud of doing something I couldn’t do which is killing the devil Duncan, now we can both finally celebrate as King and Queen of Scotland! At last!

Written by: Abbas Ibrahim

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