About Me

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Cawdor, Scotland
Hello everyone and I am known as Lady Macbeth and I am the loving, dear wife of King Macbeth. Currently I am the Queen of Scotland and I do love my people very much. I have many interests such as hosting banquets and being a loving Queen to the dear people of Scotland.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


"And we'll not fail: when Duncan is asleep," (Act 1.Sn 7 Line 62)

Hatred is growing inside of me, hatred for the man whom is holding me back from becoming Queen. The Queen of Scotland! How can I ever become Queen, only through my husband, my beloved husband whom is a fool? But it is only through him that can I ever fulfill my dreams. All will be mine if it weren’t for Duncan! Oh Duncan how I hate thee and hate thy soul. You’re the devil that murders my dreams of ever becoming what I’ve always wanted to! The phantom that threatens my hope! You deserve not to be King, for it was my husband who hath worked as hard as a soldier, he hath slain men on the battlefield and so he shall slay open his path to become the righteous king. He shall slay you, and in this fury he shall become King, and I Queen. I care far more for the well being of myself more than for my husband, if my husband ever becomes King I can become Queen of Scotland, the owner of all! I hope to my husband will muster the courage to commit this act of glory. I hope with all mine heart. This must happen…it must…then only will I attain my long awaited dream.

Written By: Dusi Rasiah

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